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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is the need of the hour to conquer the challenges that the changing world poses. Intelligence in business terms is the ability to grasp the changes in advance.

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ExcelQ Design-Build Process

ExcelQ Design-Build Process

Excelq leads every Client thru a standard design-build process — which is intended to gather the right information, at the right level of detail, and in the right sequence.

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Smart Client vs. Browser Apps

Smart Client vs. Browser Apps

In our experience, for more complex business-class application requirements (e.g. where users are known, and more sophisticated capabilities and workflows common to MS Office applications are needed)

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Coding Standards

Coding Standards

To maintain coding standards is both challenging and rewarding. It is the key feature that is needed by default in any programming language. There is a deficiency of usage of these coding standards and this clouds the performance with the dangers of poor quality and inappropriate results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I practice Excel?1

Through virtual platform of it is possible to do practice for Excel. Virtual platform will provide some instructions on screen and user has to follow those instructions. If user will do any mistake then software will inform that where you have done mistake.

Is there a way to hide the process of executing Excel macros?

When a user turn off Screen Updating, then Excel file would not show all the steps of macro runs. It may help macro to help run faster

What is IF Function in Excel?

IF function is used in excel programming to perform logic test. This function identifies that whether a certain condition is true or not. Outcome will be based on the true or false condition of the IF function.

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Code Here
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

What are three report formats available in Excel?

The three report formats that are available in Excel are Compact, Report and Tabular.

What are three repo in Excel?

IF function is used in excel programming to perform logic test. This function identifies that whether a certain condition is true or not. Outcome will be based on the true or false condition of the IF function.

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Code Here
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Have more questions? call us at 1-855-939-2357 or get in touch

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What clients say about us?

It is very good solution. It has capability to resolve accounting problems easily and quickly. It is user-friendly and easy to use. Excel VBA Programming is an amazing feature to handle database activities, maintain security for information and to do cumbersome calculations.

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PO BOX 754121, Forest Hills, NY 11375 doing business as a Service of Venttraffic Media Inc. Excel and other words on this site may be trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation is not connected in any way with this website, and makes no endorsement of the site or its related contents. All rights reserved. Website powered by Venttraffic Media Inc.